Saturday, June 20, 2009


i know what...i am probably being overly emotional but i can't help it...

yes, i am having problems...i shall not mention them here but you know what...i am a little tired...

everything was so smooth for the past few days and then BOOM! there it ya..i SHOULD have known that it will be too good to be true...nothing in my life is ever that smooth sailing for quite sometime...

but come to think of it again..i guess that is what makes it me..forever filled with problems...swamped with things to think about...

haihzz...i shall put my head high and not bother...after all, these things are meant to make me stronger...not bring me now here i am...stronger than ever...with my head held high..and all this, i have to thank the people around me who have been giving me support..(you all know who you are...i shan't mention names here for it might bring up conflicts..and yes...tht'll mean more problems)

so thank you, people...thank you for making me...who i am today:D...*HUGZ!*


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